Namaste and welcome!

Let me begin by thanking you for being here, today I will open myself to the world as I never did before. This is a necessary personal step to align my being with my practice and be able to fully dedicate myself to helping others.
My youth was full of constant changes (and so the rest of my life stayed that way). My parents got divorced when I was little and moved 50km away from my birth town, where I went for 1 year to my new school to then change again the following year (moved to college). Till I was around 13 yo, I had very few to no friends and I was spending most of my time playing alone or on video games. At the time I was also living in the countryside on a small farm, so a quiet isolated kid. A lot of gaming there!
When I grew up, I found a group of friends and felt like fitting, I had a best friend but it all ended due to things. All my surrounding friends changed again.
At that time my biggest passions were video games and technology, I also went to IT school, dreaming to become a programmer and create video games myself. The dream lasted short as I did not finish my study and I moved to London. Another full life change!
At a certain point in my life, I met a person which opened my eyes to what was around me, and I finally saw I was not in the right place to grow and learn life.
I arrived in London when I was 21 years old, I did not speak a word of English and I struggled for the first couple of years. As most did, I’ve started working in hospitality, being the last wheel of the wagon with no English language whatsoever. That environment is kind of insane, crazy and long working days, little sleep, bad alimentation, tons of stress and pressure, having to deal with all people crazy needs the whole day, and changing colleagues very often and so on… (some more changes!) at the time I was also very young and love to party big time. I see it as an amazing experience that I’m happy I lived 😊
Well, I ended up liking it and I spent over 15 years in the industry hahaha! I got up to be a very well-paid General Manager, looking after 2 different sites. That was a second target I gave to myself, thinking it would have given me happiness.
Well, guess what, it didn’t!
My spiritual journey has properly started long ago, just a couple of years after I moved to London. The dearest living being I had in my life took a different path and we were separated, also for my own good (but that is another story). That was a big loss for me, my life was revolving around that being at the time. I went deep into depression, and closed in myself, for a long period in which I dealt with my mind.
At a certain point, I thought life couldn’t be so negative, something was missing, and randomly a person appeared in my life (another good story) and showed me the way to the power of a positive mind or law of attraction.
Since then, I’ve trained my brain and used it to create my reality as best as I could, a very difficult process which, after over 10 years, I still have to master yet! Though I still have to master it properly, many results arrived as soon as I made the switch, I’ve had it all, anything I pictured in my mind as happiness was there, a big salary, I was the leader at work, I was in a good relationship, I had friends around me… but something was missing and that was MySelf!
I started casual meditation by myself at home, and after a few sessions, I started to feel connected and a path was starting to build in front of me.
One important thing I’ve not mentioned yet is that my father was suffering from malicious brain cancer for a bit before I moved to London. Now, sad story short, he has done many treatments, surgery, and so on, but was defeated in 2019.
This is a critical and important point in my life.
Before my father passed away, I was searching for an alternative way to help him. One that I found and felt very attracted to was energy healing, in particular Reiki. I studied as much as I could on my own and learned that Reiki is within us the whole time. A couple of days before losing my father, I felt the call to go and meet him. I took the first flight and got there. At the time he was in the hospital, almost unconscious, he only had the force and mental stability to recognize me for a few seconds and say goodbye. He then closed his eyes and stayed asleep. I offered myself to stay overnight with him, I meditated next to his bed, I asked the spirit guides to connect me with him, I placed my hand over his head and start repeating in my mind over and over “dad, it’s ok, let go, stop fighting. You fulfilled your purpose, let go, I love you”. After a while of sending energy to my dad, I sat on the chair, and shortly after he stopped briefing.
They're so much more details in this part of my life that made me what I am now, but they are details for whoever really cares to know them and whoever will be able to gain my trust (tough thing). After that day I split from my girlfriend, book a ticket to Bali for some volunteering in a turtle sanctuary, and had my Reiki Grand Master course with Master Punnu Wasu Singh.
From there I’ve started to see that I was not really living the life I wanted, gave my notice to my very well-paid job, got a loan from the bank and I planned 4 months and a half journey which was going to be as 1 week I India, Auroville (look for it if you do not know it), 1 month in Thailand for my Yoga Teacher Course, 2 weeks in Italy, family time! Spiritual retreat in Switzerland and one in UK, 2 weeks in Greece for my Tantric Masseur course, and final destination, Bali for my meditation teacher course. With this planned, I hoped to be able and come back as a new me and build a life around things I really loved!
Well, covid came and I only managed to attend my Yoga teacher course and then I spend the rest of the 4 months and a half in Thailand! Great journey and the perfect way to spend the first lockdown but that did not allow me to acquire all the skills I wanted; life works in mysterious ways!
Anyway, once I got back, I pushed to the limit to open my Reiki/Yoga practice, I changed all my habits and lifestyles to adapt myself to what I thought a normal Holistic practice would look like. I pushed very hard to become some kind of “guru”, looking up to my master, without realizing that I had never been a Guru ad neither did I want to be one!
I know see I made a huge mistake trying to change what and who I really am. I’ve done so for a lifetime, but now I feel I finally understand the real meaning of it! Some of the people that I was attracted to me really look at me like some kind of magic person, a guru, a spiritual guide.
Well, for as happy as that makes me feel, that is not what I am and to act like one is wrong. So, here I’m now, exposing some side of myself so that I can align my practice to who I really am and start to attract to me clients that resonate with me.
I kept gaming away for a bit, although I loved it. But I thought it was not aligning with my energy healing practice. In the last couple of months, I was helping my housemate set up a Gaming Live streaming page and, in the process, I made one for myself. That reminded me how much I enjoy the gaming world and I’m now also trying to create something out of it!
In the meantime, all the important people in my life (excluding my family) left somehow, again, bringing pain each time someone was going. I now feel like I no longer want to start the same process of opening up to someone and then seeing them leaving my life. Now I keep everything inside and I do not open anymore with anyone except my parrot. Anyway, I'm fine, don't think I'm depressed or sad, I'm happy with my life, I love every day and I do many things. If my life is this way, it is because I made it so. I just don't really feel to meet and socializing with humans so much more at this time of my life.
About a year ago I felt the need for a stable friend and I’m now sharing my life with my best friend parrot, Devi!
My Reiki Practice Philosophy

I did not look for Reiki but Reiki found me.
I started feeling unfulfilled with my life, I felt like I wasn't doing anything that made me feel happy anymore. I quickly realized I needed to change something in my life to be able to give more instead of always looking to receive.
Reiki appeared in my life and I felt attracted to it immediately, I felt it was the beginning of my new path.
Reiki is all about bringing harmony and peace into our inner world of emotions and mental attitudes. It also helps us to be better at expressing who we really are.

"Reiki is an infinite power that always existed and it is always available to help us"
- Stefano Pipoletto
My Story in Short - Second part and second view
I will try to make a long story as short as possible.
It all started over 10 years ago when I was a normal brainwashed person living in the reality that has been designed by our culture and mass media. I always felt like there was more to this existence than it was taught to me in school and by the system but I didn't know what it was.
After a depressing part of my life, a person which I barely knew, appeared in my life once more in one of the moments I was at my lowest emotional state. All she did was point my attention toward a kind of documentary in which the Law of Attraction was explained, a moment of true revelation to me!
I kept looking into the argument deeper and deeper, doing tons of research and finding as much information as I could. That was it! I did find out the missing piece of the puzzle! Now it was just a question of self-train to follow the rules for a positive way of living and thinking, to start and became the real creator of my life.
I did learn a lot and I am getting amazing results from the changes I made within myself, which are now manifesting into my reality, my life changed completely! Anything I wanted just started to automatically appear in my life effortlessly.
Over the years my thirst for knowledge never stopped, I kept on learning all I could about the law and spirituality. This changed completely what I am and elevated my awareness and spirit to a point that allows me to help others to do the same. While researching I’ve learned about Reiki and since then I felt that this was my path, I want to use the universal energy to do good to others and the world.
I had many difficulties finding a course to become a Reiki master in London to match my work schedule, till I've decided to take a volunteer trip in Bali of 3 weeks, 2 weeks dedicated to the project and 1 was meant to be exploring Bali. But the universe wanted me to become a Reiki master, few weeks before departure to Bali an advert for a Reiki course popped out. On it there was the picture of Grand Master Punnu (with me in the second picture on the side), looking at him I felt straight away that he was meant to be my master and the date of that course were the exact dates I had my free time in Bali! A coincidence? It could be, but I like to see it more as a sign.
The inner energies I’ve released in myself are now pointing towards a new path, I suddenly realized I needed to follow it.
I've achieved Reiki Grand Master level and started practising it to help others, the feeling of doing something good to people close to me makes me extremely happy and I hope I can give more happiness and energy to more people.
This is why I'm here, offering my service to the needy and if you are reading this website you may have just arrived where you needed to be! Coincidence? it can be... or maybe it's a sign!
I travelled to Thailand, where I've been for 4 months. I have attended a Yoga Teacher course which opened many more doors to my vision of life and the energy realm.
Soon I will also learn about tantric massage and then back to Bali, as soon as the world gets back on its feet, to attend a meditation teacher course. I hope I'll be able to help as many people as possible with those new future skills!
My Reiki lineage

Here I am now

Stefano Pipoletto, Energy Healer during the day, specializes in chronic pains and aches. A gamer at night, actively streaming, trying to bring energy healing into my gaming world as well! Also, part-time waitering while I’m trying to get my energy healing practice to fully sustain my essential needs!
If you are new to energy healing and you wish to try it, do not hesitate to contact me for a free trial session, this can be done at distance over a video call. Facebook Page
Also, if you are into gaming, why not check out my gaming page?
If you are looking for a waiter, you got the wrong person hahaha
I’ll see anyone who will align with me soon!