What I'm about to tell is a sad, personal and emotional story for me, but it's the point at which I embarked on my new path. I want to share it with the world to let you know a small part of me and make you understand my dream.
My spiritual journey started a long time ago, just a couple of years after moving to London. I fell into deep depression and closed myself off for a long time dealing with my mind.
At some point, I thought life couldn't be that bad, something was missing, and randomly, a person appeared in my life (another beautiful story) and showed me the way to the power of a positive mind or the law of attraction.
Since then, I have trained my mind and used it to create my reality as best I can, a very difficult process that, after over 12 years, I have yet to master! I met many spiritual schools, read a lot and discovered many interesting worlds, including Reiki!
One important thing I haven't mentioned yet is that my father suffered from brain cancer for a while before I moved to London. It was not at all easy for me to live in such a situation in another country, but I always managed to return as often as possible to visit my father.
As the years passed, the situation did not improve and in moments of little hope, I began my research into possible alternatives, where modern medicine no longer offered possible solutions. In my research, I have learned about the holistic world and read about many cultures, beliefs and practices. Many are crazy but many others have opened my eyes to other points of view on our reality.
One method I found, and felt very drawn to, was energy healing, specifically Reiki practice. I studied as much as I could on my own, reading blogs, taking an online course, and reading articles, and I quickly learned that Reiki has always been and always will be available to us.
A couple of days before I lost my father, I felt the call to go and meet him. I took the first flight and left.
He was in the hospital at the time, almost unconscious, he only had the strength and mental stability to recognize me for a few seconds and say goodbye.
Then he closed his eyes and remained asleep.
My whole family was exhausted, and I felt guilty for not having been there sooner to help them.
I offered to spend the night with him, sending everyone home, I already knew what awaited me, everything was now perfectly aligned.
I spent the first part of the evening at his side, although already feeling what was about to happen, in the hope that he would return to consciousness.
I spent a few hours staring at him trying to send energy to make him feel better, even though I hadn't yet had my Reiki attunement.
I meditated next to his bed. His breathing was slow, loud and painful. It was very difficult to find my centre and connect in my meditation, but somehow I managed it.
What I got was help, an indication of what I needed to do.
I opened my eyes again and stood next to my father's head. I placed my hands on his crown chakra. I put all my intentions into transmitting a message, an energy.
My message was "Daddy, it's okay, we're safe, let go, it's time to stop hurting... Dad, it's okay, we're safe, let go, it's time to stop to suffer...Dad, it's okay, we're safe, let go, it's time to stop suffering..."
On the third repetition, my father's breathing began to calm down, I sat down in the chair and shortly after he stopped breathing. The beep, what everyone hopes to hear only in movies...
In a few seconds I realize what just happened, infinite things explode in my mind, a thousand emotions run through my entire being, and none of them pleasant.
There is no point in dragging you further into the story now.
From that day I understood that I absolutely had to undertake the Reiki path, whatever the cost, to be able to help those who came into my life in need, in the moments that I missed for my father.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think that Reiki could have saved my father from something that modern science has not been able to defeat, but it certainly would have made the time spent better, with a few more moments of peace.
That night I also think that Reiki opened the "door" for my father to pass through, making him suffer as little as possible.
I didn't exactly experience my father's illness firsthand, living in England, but I visited often. What I wish I could have given more to my father would have been a few more moments of well-being, relaxation and attention to the small beautiful moments.
Well here I am now, my practice has been open for 4 years now and I have performed hundreds of reiki sessions, had many new experiences, and undertaken a course as a yoga teacher (but I don't practice at the moment for reasons that I won't explain here for now ).
Of all things, after 18 years in London, I now feel suffocated here. I need more peace of mind and I want to be able to dedicate my life without too many worries to people who find themselves in the situation my father found himself in.
My biggest goal is to arrive and be able to move around various places, visiting hospitals, clinics and homes to reach terminally ill patients. I wish I could teach them how to use Reiki, them, their immediate family members and anyone who cares for them.
Can Reiki make a difference in healing something as big as a terminal illness? Maybe not, but the whole process of learning and using Reiki will definitely improve the remaining time.
How can I be able to give and teach Reiki for free and be able to help in any way I can? Do you want to help me?
Well, I think first I will have to minimize my life expenses. One of the biggest changes I'll have to make is where I live, planning to move into an RV instead of renting expensive homes.
This will also allow me and my friend Devi to be mobile and have the ability to reach places where the need for help is greatest.
With a camper, I will be able to travel to many destinations, such as places affected by natural disasters.
I am currently saving up to buy one and will hopefully be able to make this change by the end of August 2024. This will take some of the financial pressure off my shoulders, allowing me to live on less, meaning I can charge less for my services and be able to have what I need to live.
With enough kind-hearted people, I could make my dream come true and be able to teach and perform Reiki to terminally ill patients and their loved ones!
All it takes is a few donations worth the price of a coffee per MONTH and I could simply travel anywhere to help and teach, without worrying about the essentials or possible costs of living in an RV. I won't need many people to make it real! Any amount received will be used to help people/animals who truly need it and cannot afford it.
I'll be posting regular stories and updates as I go and show how much good you've spread by donating even just £1 a month!
Click the image below if you want to help!
Light and Love
Master Reiki
Stefano Pipoletto