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Writer's pictureReiki Master - Stefano P.

Interview with Mikao Usui - Founder of Reiki

Updated: Apr 30

Mikao Usui responded for real to the following questions, but the date and the name of the interviewer are not known. According to the date mentioned in the text, the interview should have occurred between 1922 and 1926, the year Mikao Usui left the body.

Question: What is the ‘Usui Reiki Ryoho‘?

Answer: We have received with gratitude the principles prescribed by Emperor Meiji and live abiding by them. In order to follow the spiritual path, humanity has to live according to these principles. This means that we have learned to improve our bodies, our feelings and our thoughts with constant practice. In this way first of all, as we heal the spirit, consequently we will restore the body. When our mind is on the healthy path of honesty and seriousness, the body finds itself full of health. Since the body and mind are one thing, we can all live in peace and joy. We heal ourselves and others too, intensifying and increasing our happiness and that of others. This is the aim of Usui Reiki Ryoho.

Question: Is the Usui Reiki Ryoho based on a form of psychotherapy, self-suggestion, hypnosis or other therapies notes? Is it a therapy already known but under another name?

Answer: It is not similar to the forms of therapy that he described. After many years of hard training, I met a spiritual secret that is used to rid the body and mind.

Question: Is Reiki a psycho-spiritual healing method?

Answer: It is pretty accurate, we can call it that way, but we can also call it physical therapy, since the energy and the light radiating from all parts of the body of the person allow the treatment. The energy and the light are radiating from the eyes, mouth, and from hands of those who give the treatment, and he/she may, at the same time, fix his/her eyes on the afflicted parts, blow and gently massage. Toothache, headache, stomach pain, swelling in the chest, neuralgia, bruises, cuts, burns, etc.. heal easily, while chronic diseases are not so easy to treat but also a single treatment of a chronic illness shows a positive effect. I wonder how this phenomenon can be explained by medical science. The reality is increasingly affecting the theory, when you see the results, you will agree with me. Even those who do not want to believe can not deny reality.

Question: Have we got to believe in ‘Usui Reiki Ryoho' healing to occur?

Answer: No, because the Reiki Ryoho is different from other methods of psychic healing. Consent and faith are not needed, because Reiki does not work through suggestion. It makes no difference whether a person is incredulous, sceptical or biased. For example, it also works with children and people who are seriously injured and unconscious. Out of ten people, perhaps one will trust the first treatment. Already after the first treatment, the majority of people feel the effects and benefits and they will increase their confidence.

Question: What diseases can be cured with the Usui Reiki Ryoho?

Answer: Any disease originating from mental or physical disease.

Question: Does Usui Reiki Ryoho heal only illness?

Answer: No, not only diseases of the body, but also bad habits and psychological ailments such as despair, weakness of character, lack of courage, difficulty in making decisions and nervousness. With Reiki energy, our spirit finds its divine part or his Buddhahood, and we can develop the ability to treat other human beings, our brothers. In this way, we make ourselves happy, healthy and serene both ourselves and others.

Question: How does Usui Reiki Ryoho heal?

Answer: No one has started this method. I did not make efforts to obtain extraordinary powers of healing. While I fasted, I came in contact with intense energy and, in some mysterious way, I was inspired. For a set of coincidences, it became clear that I had been given the spiritual art of healing. Although, even though I'm the founder of this method, is difficult for me to explain it in more detail. Doctors and researchers are moving passionate about research in this field, but so far it has been difficult to reach a conclusion that is based on medical science. There will come a time when Reiki meet science.

Question: Does The Usui Reiki Ryoho use medicines or special tools? If so, are there any side effects?

Answer: They do not use medicines or instruments. We use only the look, the breath, the caress, the light taps and the touch of the hands. That‘s what heals diseases.

Question: In order to practice the Usui Reiki Ryoho, is it necessary to have medical knowledge?

Answer: The Reiki Ryoho is a spiritual method that goes beyond medical science and therefore does not rely on it. When we look, we blow it, we touch or caress the diseased body part, and we get the desired result. For example, touching the head when we want to treat the brain, the abdomen when we want to treat the abdomen and eyes to eyes. You do not get bitter medicine or use moxa or moxibustion but it heals quickly and easily. So this spiritual method is an original creation.

Question: How do physicians consider Reiki?

Answer: The scientific authorities are very honest in judging the Usui Reiki Ryoho. Recently some famous European doctors took a critical stand against the administration of (indiscriminate) medicine. Dr Sen Nagai of Teikoku Medical University said: “We doctors know how to diagnose a disease, save it and understand it empirically, but we do not know where it comes from or how to treat it.” Dr Kondo said: “It‘s arrogant to say that medicine has made tremendous progress when modern medicine neglects the spiritual balance (the patient). It’s a great disadvantage.” Dr Sakae Hara said: “It‘s insolence treating the human being, who has spiritual wisdom, like an animal. Believe that in the future we will have a great revolution in the field of therapy.” Some doctors and pharmacists understand this problem and start asking to be initiated into Reiki.

Question: What do you think about the government?

Answer: On February 6, the eleventh year of the Taisho period (1922), Congressman Teiji Matsushita did, at the meeting of the shareholders’ meeting of the Federal Parliament, the following question: “What is the government’s position on therapists currently practising psychotherapy and spiritual therapy without a title? ” Mr Ushio the government commissioner said: “Ten years ago, hypnosis and other similar forms of therapy were judged inadequate treatment but today, after long research, are applied effectively in psychiatry. It‘s hard to want to solve everything about being, with human medicine. To heal diseases physicians follow certain ways, which are based on the principles of medicine. The use of hands and electrotherapy to combat the disease are not part of the methods of medical school. ” That’s why the Usui Reiki Ryoho is not subject to laws regarding the right medical health or those involving acupuncture, shiatsu or moxa.

Question: In this therapy, are the skills of spiritual healing given only to those who are spiritually developed at birth? I do not think this can be learned. What do you think?

Answer: All living beings have received the gift of the spiritual ability to heal. The same thing can be applied to plants, animals, fish and insects, but humans, representing the culmination of creation, have received a greater power. Usui Reiki Ryoho appeared in the world to make this capability available and accessible to all.

Question: Can anyone be initiated to Usui Reiki Ryoho?

Answer: Of course. Men and women, old and young, doctors and uneducated people who live according to moral principles can learn in a short time. I initiated more than a thousand people and not even one of these has failed to achieve the desired result. Everyone, even those who have just learned Shoden (the first level), are already able to heal diseases. If we think about it, it is rather strange to learn in such a short time to heal a disease, although this is for a human being the hardest thing. I am amazed and this is the characteristic of our method of spiritual healing, we can learn something so difficult so much easier.

Question: With the Usui Reiki Ryoho you can heal others. And what about you? Can someone heal also his/her-own illnesses?

Answer: If we could not heal our diseases, our bodies and our mind, how cannot we heal others?

Question: What should I do to learn Okuden (the second level)?

Answer: The Okuden consists of a number of lessons to apply: I Hatsurei, tap, stroke, put pressure with your hands, healing on distance, heal customs etc... Before you learn Shoden and then when you have achieved good results, the correct behaviour, honesty and morality and you will be thrilled with the Reiki, then you will be ready to receive initiation into Okuden.

Question: In the Reiki Ryoho is there any other teaching after Okuden?

Answer: There is still the Shinpiden, the highest level, namely the fourth, ie the degree to which we can send Reiki and teach others.

Thank you Dr Usui to make Reiki what it is today

Light and love

Reiki Master Stefano

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