Tantric Massage in London
I offer unforgettable Tantric massages for goddesses.
Feel the beneficial effects of running sexual energy all over your body.
Experience pleasure, touch, and connection like you never experienced before!
My Principles
You will never be contacted after your session unless you ask me to do so.
Your identity and confidentiality will be protected at all times.
I will always try to serve the best I can. I am a normal person and I can be sensual, charismatic, sophisticated, sexy, and very friendly. I'm doing this professionally, I am not a gigolo and the massage doesn't include genital-to-genital contact.
I have gone through some tantric massage training programs. I've practised for a while on a fixed partner to refine my skills, then practice on tens of volunteers with amazing results each time.
The massage skills along with the quality of your sessions are guaranteed.
Tantric philosophy
Tantra-inspired exclusive sensual bodywork sessions incorporate and stretch beyond the limitations of therapeutic massage.
Start at your own pace
Choose your level of comfort
I offer tantric massages in London, for all levels of shyness.
My exquisite sensuous massage experiences are tailored to the requirements of the goddess; I will use my expertise and intuition to create a unique tantric experience that combines both immense sensual and spiritual pleasure.
My London massages are available for women who are looking for sensual awakening and prolonged pleasure.
Choose from:
Entry Tantric Full body massage (Yoni massage is optional here)
The External massage (only external Yoni massage)
The Full Massage (Includes full Yoni Massage)

- Scopri di più
Gentle introduction to Tantric Massage - Yoni massage is optional here
1 ora 30 minuti
75 sterline britanniche - Scopri di più
Gentle introduction to Tantric Pleasures - Yoni massage is external
1 ora 30 minuti
85 sterline britanniche - Scopri di più
Experience the Tantric Bliss - Yoni massage in full multi D experience
2 ore
£150-First Time Free
Like all massages, tantric massage can reduce stress and anxiety and help relax muscles. My sensual experiences however specifically allow you to explore pleasure in a new and creative way, boosting your sexual energy and promoting heightened sensuality, better and more balanced life.
You can experience a one-in-a-kind experience for ladies, a combination of breathing and therapeutic techniques which are blended and applied with professionalism and love to take you through your ultimate erotic journey.
Surrender yourself to pure pleasure and let me take care of your divine side like no one ever did, on the journey to heaven and back. You’re sure to want to return following your mind-blowing experience – everyone does.
What is Tantra?
The word Tantra has a Sanskrit origin, its root word is Tan which means “expand” or “to weave”. It‘s mainly about increasing in size, spreading, and utilizing different types of energies. All humans are part of the universal energy and because of that our thoughts, actions, and all physical matters reflect on us.
Tantra is originated in India and is about 4000 years old; it influenced both Buddhism and Hinduism. In Tantra, sexuality and spirituality are joined together: one cannot exist without the other. Tantra disagrees with many religions that say you cannot grow spiritually if you want to have physical pleasure as well. Tantric emphasizes the opposite: that both sexuality and spirituality are essential for spiritual growth. Tantric is a kind of sacred sexuality: the sexual energy is used for different purposes like creativity and healing as well as increased pleasure. It is achieved through meditation, developing awareness of the present by paying closer attention to our thoughts and feelings, being more connected with our bodies and the sensations we feel. Tantrism the term for 'tantric practices' was introduced in the West in the 1800s.
In Tantric tradition there are several Chakras in our bodies; these energy points are part of the non-physical bodies. There are many energy channels that make the energy flow throughout the entire body. Even though there are numerous chakras, seven of them are considered to be very important.
According to parapsychologists the human body as well all objects have an aura around them. This is glowing radiation with different colours. Scientists argue about the existence of this aura but some research clearly shows that there is an electromagnetic current around the human body and they also confirm that a separate impulse is generated by every individual organ. You start to wonder if there is any connection between this research and the Chakra system that Tantra believes in. The energy moves throughout the whole body and different factors like lifestyle, guilt, wrong diet, and negative thoughts can prevent it from functioning properly.
During our lives, we experience a lot of traumas, grief, physical and emotional abuse, pain, and embarrassment. In Tantra as well as in some modern therapies it’s believed that the human body stores these negative experiences. The older we get, the more blockages we gather which all play an important role in reducing our energy levels and our well-being. Just to mention a common example, our throat can be affected badly due to our childhood conditioning when we were told not to cry or shout. Another example is our pelvis which can be stiff if we always try to suppress our sexual needs.
Tantra uses different techniques in order to remove all of these blockages and find a way to boost your well-being. A healthy body cannot exist without a healthy mind. One of these ways is a massage but it is a self-development method at the same time as well. Hands are considered to be the extensions of the heart and Tantra is taught through the most essential element, our touch.
There are guided meditations and lots of energetic works which result in clearing all sexual blockages. Once you have freed yourself from all these negative blockages you can reach the state of extreme happiness and ecstasy which makes Tantra so famous and well-known. There is an effective Tantra breathing technique that helps to prolong sexual intercourse. You need to create a sacred loving space and have enough sexual energy for an ecstatic state. Tantric couples make love for a longer period of time and the pleasure they experience is much more intense. You will see the results as soon as you start to learn it even though the learning process is never-ending during the number of years of practice.
The most important key to higher pleasure is your breathing. The benefits of breathing techniques are extraordinary and they undoubtedly have direct positive effects on our health, too. Breathing through our belly makes us more relaxed, it reduces stress and tension and helps women concentrate on enjoyment. This technique helps men with premature ejaculation as it will make them carry on longer.
You will be able to shift and pass your sexual energy throughout your body while you are being massaged. Your capacity to feel bliss and pleasure has no limitations when experiencing a truly tantric massage.
There are several techniques that are similar to the ones used in other types of massages. Below is a list of differences, making this massage very special and unique:
While therapeutic massage is focused on the person’s direct physical well-being, tantric massage goes much further, it believes that pleasure is needed for spiritual development.
In Tantric massage, you receive without having to reciprocate anything.
It is mainly about giving and getting sensual bliss without the pressure of having to do more.
You can explore the whole body, there are no barriers. You will find totally new areas that will feel extremely enjoyable when touched. In the Western culture, the focus is on the genitals while Tantra looks at the whole body.
There are several breathing and massaging techniques for specific areas of our body, e.g. the Chakras or our genitals.
Tantra is about letting go, it’s a pleasurable journey leading to total bliss. Being open and knowing your body will allow you to experience freedom, enjoyment, and happiness without feeling guilty about it. The emphasis is on the journey itself and not the destination, which is very different from the Western culture where the destination is the main focus. This is why couples find it easier to have longer intercourse and a much more enhanced pleasure in the end.
Tantra doesn’t have any taboos as long as both parties are happy to go ahead with the experiment. Power, force, and any kinds of emotional blackmailing are not tolerated in Tantra. Our Tantric massage means a sensual discovery of your own sexual and spiritual self with the help of different intimate massage techniques. You will be pampered from head to toe, therefore, all tension and blockages will be dissolved. During the massage, you will be asked to synchronize your breathing with your masseur and you will also be requested to do certain breathing techniques. The more you practice, the more intense pleasure will be both physically and energetically. You will learn to connect with yourself, allowing you to be more in the present and alert in your life. You will be able to refine your life and have a more fulfilling life experience.
Why don’t you book an unforgettable tantric massage session with me and experience this unlimited pleasure yourself?
- What are the benefits for the receiver?
One of the main objectives of tantric massage is to help you unlock areas of the body that are blocked or “stuck.” This is achieved using a unique method of channeling energy through the hands and body into the blocked points in you. Therefore, tantric massage is a kind of bodywork intended to help energy flow throughout the body, focusing especially on the body’s vital points and specifically on those in the genitals and erogenous zones. For a woman, the technique helps her unlock sexual blockages and learn to experience and achieve tantric orgasms. Many women hold a lot of stress, traumas, and other energetic and psychological blockages, especially in the area of the genitals and G-spot. In fact, the yoni reacts immediately to psychosomatic stress. Through massage of the G-spot and other points inside the vagina, a woman can have a beautiful opening, which may start with tears of relief. I also see it as an amazing way to meditate and connect with our higher self. Tantric massage can also be used for the purpose of materialization of goals and dreams.
- Why is the Full massage free at the moment?
I’m trying to gain experience in giving massage to different bodies and different needs.
- Does the giver need to be ‘satisfied’ after the massage?
No, I do not need anything in return if not honest feedback and maybe to be recommended to friends.
- Does it include penetration?
Only a finger, the giver is fully dressed the whole time and cannot be aroused during the experience or he won’t be able to move energy and the message would just be a normal physical massage.
- Where does it take place?
Yours, if you are not too far. The place that makes you feel as comfortable and safe as possible and where you can unleash and be yourself fully without limitations. Usually is our private space. The use of a rented space can be an option, at receiver expenses.
- Where did you learn?
Thailand and online, I had the last course planned in June but Covid happened and it is now postponed to next year. That was my final course as a practitioner.
- How long have you been doing it?
Tantra has been my interest and subject of research for a long time, the massage is something more recent. I started with a fixed partner with amazing results, then moved on to perform the massage to others and realized that it benefits me and the receiver greatly. I’m now pushing towards making this my life focus. I had multiple goddesses who had the massage, and all had very positive feedback, some also came back for a second session and others are planning to come back.
- Do you have a certificate?
No, unfortunately, the course I did in Thailand was kind of "illegal" as it was running during the lockdown and they couldn’t give certificates. Though the certificates in this sector do not really mean much. I will get my practitioner certificate as soon as I’ll be able to attend my last course.
- Where are you based?
Central London.
- How do you go inside the Yoni?
One finger, as gently and as careful as no one has ever done to you before. Before entering I always chase permission. A second finger can be added if the receiver appreciates it, more only under specific requests from the receiver.
- Will there be someone else?
Not with me. At yours, it’s your call